Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Right Path?

One day,there was a Boy...This boy started work at a ship called,Life from a very young aged,He worked his way up through the ranks overcoming all the obstacles and trials in his life to finally becoming the Captain of the Ship...

He was entrusted with Freedom & independence.Finally,he could now steer his Ship to which every path he may wished...He had dreamed about this Day since the very first day working in the Ship,and finally,his chance came.

The Captain then started making many plans on the course and paths he should take for the Long Voyage ahead of him.

However,whenever he finished a plan,after carefully calculating and researching everything in that particular path,somehow the captain wasn't satisfied with it and was afraid of taking that path...And so,the captain continued on and on making more and more plans but all ending up in the same conclusion,Uncertainty...

The Captain got frustrated not knowing of what to do.He had spent a Long time waiting in the harbour planning,but soon,he has to set sail...Opportunities came and go,plans appeared,but failed...

Uncertainty continues to gripple the captain...Time is running short...

So what now,Captain?

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