Friday, September 24, 2010


In Matthew Chapter 7,Verse 12,It says Do unto others whatever you would like them to do unto you...Sounds rational huh? Do to people how you would want them to do to you...

I know that we cannot follow this statement,just because we want others to do the same to us...I know,that we follow this not because of others but because for OURSELVES...To be a Better Person...

But sometimes,it can really be a heartache...You have done so much for a friend,yet he/she just takes it TOTALLY for granted...I won't deny it,but sometimes i myself am like that....

But i'm talking about the people whom you have Clearly helped and Blessed so much...The people whom you have profoundly helped...

Sometimes,i get so tired of realizing that i have been, "Doing Unto others" in vain,in that sense that they totally don't appreciate your action...I mean,take this for an instance,One day,you and your friend are at a bus stop...He doesn't have enough money for the bus...So you help your friend out...But the next day,both of you exchange places,and you don't have enough money...You expect your friend to help you out equally,but it doesn't happen... It can get disappointing and discouraging at times,but i know i have to LEARN to,

i)Accept the fact that i cannot always EXPECT others to do to me like how i have done to them...
ii)Grow and be more Mature to realize that i am not doing this for others sake,to have them repay the same to be,but for God and for my OWN sake to be a Better Person...
iii)Change and Learn too to Appreciate others even more...

As it is said in 1 John 4:7:Dear Friends,let us continue to love one another,for love comes from God.Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God...

Well,have to try my best,to be the best i can...Hwaiting~!!!

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